Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Reference Checking - 1 month speed course online!

The key tool for executie search is the carefeul, throughful and professional reference checking. We use it as a must since the first day of my search practice (1988).
Checking reference training
Checking reference is an art and you should practice it regularly for your "headhunter health check" (see details later).
Litte know secrets, practical steps, bits and pices from an executive search psychiatrist over his 1000th search. Now he shares his secrets with HR professionals, consultants and research persons in a closed 1 month online course. It can be useful for those just searching for jobs. (Now your partner better than he does.)
Ask your boss to take part!
If you have one :)

Starts at March 1, 2005
Ends at March 31, 2005
Membership: max 100.
Price: USD 1,000 with 50% off for the first 33 persons! Email.
A 100% MBG Program: if you are not 100% saitsfied with the course you can ask 100% refund in anytime auntil the end of the 1st week.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Online headhunting

Since 1998 I have spent my time to study and practice the following issues:
  1. issue: Network marketing - How to build up simple, low-cost operation online marketing system for Hungary? St.: Microfranchise 3.0 (from febr 12 2005) -
  2. issue: Online marketing - I still study - and blogs. - How to use blogs to build up a simple, yet powerful communication system for the community of MFI or for the broader MLM family as a "trade union" for the profession? This is the most difficult task. Currently I have only 3-4 persons willing to invest this project and all of them are busy enough we should use the most sophistiated system for working together. See soon! Hungarian blog.
  3. issue: - más lesz a musor címe, de a lényeg változatlan: sikeres vagy tehetséges vállakozó sorsának követése (docusoap).
  4. issue: - Interneten nézheto angol nyelvu adás - támogatásával.
  5. ussue: - önbizalom és önismeretfejlesztés / Self-assurance, self-development - 12 x 30 perc kész! - (külön vagy egyben).
  6. issue: - szponzort keresek
  7. issue: - - Hogan lesz mindez duplikálható? Bármilyen hihetetlen, ez már ma is megteheto.

Egyszeru, ignyenes eszközökkel dolgozom, kevés kivételle. Ha versenyre kerül a sor, a teljesen ingyenes eszközök is OK nekem.

Továbbra is az a cél, hogy beteritsük tapasszal Európát. A média program céléja, hogy a musor és a hozzá kapcsolódó honlap eszközként legyen hasznositható tagjaink számára. Mivel azonban a jelenleg fejlodo rendszerben zavart okozna újabb tartalmak bevitele, és meg kell néznünk mit hoz az új oktatási rendszer, a továbbiakban (foként) angol blogokon dolgozom majd. Ezeket már nem forditom le, ha szükség lesz rá magyarul, nyilván lesz segitség is a megoldáshoz.

Now I change in English. I announced I will almost totally stop writing blogs in Hungarian. Most of my notes will be in English. Just for a test. And learning. And earning, hehe :)

We have idel product, Japantapasz for network marketing. We are specialist in detox questions and you will find top professional among our members. We are still at the beginning in our historí. Last yeas turnover was about HUS 780,000,000 with more than 8,000 members.

In 2005 we will open Europe, step-by-step, depending on the direction from our leaders. First country: Slovakia, March, 2005. Next: perhaps Romania. As a company we can not plan - our people can.

Online headhunting is the second microfranchise project planning to start at Jan 1, 2006. Before we go we have to build up the first confidentially based communication system where you bet nobofy will make you wrong. As Hungary has only a few classical bsuiness clubs, so this one probably will help a lot to find each other.

We are looking for the top 10% of the business community to unify our efforts for serving the insterest of the so called "small business" people or "indivual entrepreneur" as people in Hungary like to say it. I am looking for those people who are interested in our media project combined with a sophistivated online logistics created by T. Koleszar, from Kaposvar, Hungary. Japantapasz Microfranchise was the fastes growing network marketing company in Hungary. 2005, I am sure, will be a year even better than the last one. Why? heres are the reasons, not all but some of them:

Folytatom! / I will go on soon.

How it works?

There are severaly models for collaboration for you in our project.
1. You will watch it for the next weeks but want to know refreshments and major news by email. Solution: sign-up to our weekly newsletter Next Steps Online Small Business University belongs to project.
2. Interested in potential sponsor, invester minimum od USD 100,000 or you want to work with us a volunteer (only) please send us your short CV w photo. You will receive a thank you note by email with further information (links for checking phase L4CP).
In this case we are ready to present you our business plan, in the following sections:
2.1 Mission satetement
2.2 Goals
2.2.1 2005 goals
2.3. Time management with
2.4. Silva Mind Control - Domján Gábor, Domjánné-Harsányi Katalin, együtt vagy felváltva (2x3 perc), havonta 1 alkalommal 20 perc + spotok. TTV támogatással.
3. Business plan
4. How to?
5. Your test.
6. Questions and Answers
7. Next Steps / Application / Checklist / Languages / PRO Members (password)
PRO Members pay USD 100 monthly, after signing a nondisclosure agreement with my management company, Hungarian Franchise Institute, Ltd. Monthly payment by check or credit card or bank transfer to Hungarian Franchise Institute, Ltd. stb. Mondom, hogy ez játék, J Á T É K , AHOL NEM FOROG PÉNZ. Ez a tákék a tanulás eszköze, kortól függetlenül mindazoknak, akik maguk is vállalkoznak vagy fontolgatják, hogy belevágjanak.
3. Investor
4. Master franchise for a country or territory.
5. Research, University and Public Relations, Media


IIPP is a Hungarian invention originated from two friends. One of them is Jozsef Telkes, MD, who is a psychiatrist, entrepreneur, author and publisher of self-deleopment, goal-setting, project management, time manaement and management by intuition (MBI) training (psychodrama). Gusztav Bognar, Ph.D., orginally a lawyer, as a life style consultant and one of the best psychodrama leaders learned from Moreno Institute, Überlingen, Germany. The two friend came together back in the eighties and writing together the "Psychology of Divorce" (book). They both work for the Hungarian Franchise Intitute, Ltd.. at Program Development. IIPP has the main goal to be able to select the top 10% of the business players. They come from different places, countries, languages and services: the only common practice should be a highly conservative business ethics. Planning IIPP as a closed communication system based on a monthly fee of USD 100, further information can obtained from the person already enjoy our membership.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Amator Televiziós hálózat az Interneten
Melyik válik be neked a legjobban? Tapasztalataidat ird meg a blogodra!
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